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Trimming your implanted eyebrows doesn't have to be difficult.


"When I used to trim my new implanted brow hairs, I would hold my brow hairs up using my left hand and with my right hand trim my brows which often impaired my vision and meant I would often trim recklessly. Now I with this tool, I can see clearly and hold my brow hairs up and trim away!" - Maloy


How to use:


Brush brows up and hold the template tool over your eyebrow hairs to trim away any over grown hairs beyond the tool template. 


Use for consistent implanted brow grooming!



Trimming Template Tool

SKU: 364215376135191
  • Takes away guessing the ideal brow length when grooming.

    Helps to avoid trimming brows too short which prevents gaps. 

    Is designed to be used as a guidline only and you may adapt to your preffered brow length accordingly.


©2019 by The Brow Lift By Maloy. Proudly created with

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Harley Street, London

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I can't believe I have real eyebrows! No
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